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   One of the wonderful things about affiliate products is that you don't need to be the owner before you can make a sale..you just need to promote them and earn your commission...its like making money out of THIN AIR....one thing that gives you a great result is promoting whats HOT out there...A product of high demand,A product of high quality and that has a kind of fame or pedigree.
   but now you need to know that there will be competition for that product.That's why you need to do a product research before you start promoting ....
I always use google keyword tool,just go to https://adwords.google.com/KeywordPlanner
login to the google ad words and then select tools.you can type keywords that match the name of your product....submit it and you will find how many poeple type those certain keywords online on google....its a good way to know if its the hot thing you are promoting.

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