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 Creating a landing page is actually an important aspect of building a successful online business, especially when the goal of creating it is to improve your online business or traffic campaign.
As an experienced internet marketer building a list is very important, for your business if you want to make your time and effort worth it. Not just because it gives a better chance of making money from it, but because it actually doesn't let you lose loyal followers, potential costumers, buyers, and response that can be lost easily especially when you invest money in traffic.

 But building a list can't be so difficult and doesn't mean it's so easy either. It all depends on what and what was done to decide that yourself. But from personal experience, your landing page and its concept determine almost everything about your list building. Your landing page starts the list building process, whatever way the process continues doesn't matter more.

 Your landing page must be very captivating for the targeted traffic that sees it. People are trying to view your website or someone else website (Affiliate marketing) but what they suddenly see is a landing page pop up. If you didn't captivate their interest further it won't take more than 10 seconds before they exit your landing page without even a single consideration. But when your landing page makes a stunning appearance and captivating keywords then that page landed for the right purpose.

 Anyone that takes his or her time to actually put in their email address in your landing page is very much interested in what was on that landing page.

A good landing page contains 3 very important components. These components give any kind of landing page the attraction it needs. Mind you a landing page doesn't need too many contents.

The 3 components are:

  1. Headline
  2. Lead magnet
  3. Call to action.

Any other thing only adds little significance

Headline: This aspect is actually very important and if gotten right you will get a very high-quality score for your landing page. Your headline must be straight to the point and must have powerful word or words that can affect your audience and trigger their interest. A lot of people see landing pages pop up on almost every website they go to and maybe there are a lot of email newsletters already and are bombarded with emails every day. Make your Headline unique, give it a strong purpose to sign up for.

Lead magnet: This boosts chances of getting leads and building your list be 3x if your lead magnet is mouthwatering. Your lead magnet is like a bribe in exchange for the email address in which your audience will give. And when the lead magnet sounds good (not too good to be true kind of good) but quite good then you will win so many people over. You can give half of your book for free, of half of your training course for free or a coupon code for an offer. something that people will be glad to get from you just by putting their email and sign up. So you can include a lead magnet in the headline of your landing page...any kind of freebie you can actually give out for free will give you good results when building your list.

Call to action: Why this is important is because it's the link button on your landing page that gives your audience the final decision to take action and proceed further and fulfill their eagerness. A call to action button can be a "Gain access now" or a "download" button etc. But having a good call to action button tells your audience/prospects how to proceed in getting what you offered.

Finally putting images that match the content on your landing page gives it a professional look but adds very little to the conversion rate of opt-ins. Whereas including a short video on your landing page can give you high conversion rate based on how well captivating the contents in the video is portrayed

A landing page must be straightforward and precise, Don't write too much information. There can be brief explanations if necessary.

Test different versions of your landing page if your results aren't satisfactory; Rotate the content on your landing page, edit, add, remove and optimise.

Get a professional landing page starting for as low as $5 >>click here<< within hours.
create a high converting landing page for your business from experts >>click here<<

Hope this has been helpful.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing his great article. Read our best article The Ultimate Guide to Create A High Converting Landing Page
